Monthly Archives: July 2010

Lilly Pond with zone sieve “impressionist”



After a lot of experimentation with zone sieves on Leica rangefinder cameras, I found that this one works best. Under normal lighting conditions without high-contrast or reflective areas, the zone sieve will just behave like a pinhole, just a little softer. Pronounced highlights and visible halos only appear when the available light becomes stronger and contrast increases.Skink Pinhole Pancake

Focal length/ zone sieve distance to film: 24mm f/71
Zone sieve: “Impressionist”
2 clear dotted zones around main zone with size 0.218 mm
Angle of View: 84° just as wide as an Elmar or Summilux 😉
Film: Fuji Superia 200

partly overcast afternoon sky
the zone sieve used has only two clear concentric rings with small circles.

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