Daily Archives: 8. November 2008

Lotus Pond – Leica pinhole with Ilford SFX 200

The Ilford SFX 200 black and white film with extended red sensitivity up to 740nm is one of the most popular near infrared films. When used without filter it performs like a standard medium speed monochrome film.
If you want to be creative, you must try it with a dark red filter. Blue skies can be rendered black and, depending on the light intensity, vegetation appears almost white.
And yes, it also works with pinhole lenses ! This shot was taken at a lotus pond in bright sunshine.

Camera: Leica type Rangefinder
Lens: Wide Angle Skink Pinhole Pancake
Pinhole: 0.2mm
Film: Ilford SFX200
Filter: IR filter insert for Skink Pinhole Pancake (89B / R72)
Exposure time: approx. 3 seconds at noon
Manipulation: added sepia toning in Photoshop

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