getting started

Pinhole Exposure Table for DSLR / SLR cameras

One of the most useful tools for the pinhole photographer is the Pinhole Designer by David Balihar. The exposure table below has been created with this tool.

The calculated values include allowance for reciprocity failure of mentioned films. If you are using a Skink Pinhole Pancake with a DSLR camera, the exposure table will give you an idea how to get started. When taking your first pinhole photo with a DSLR camera you can try this for a quick start:

  • Take your camera out on a sunny day and place it on a tripod
  • Choose ISO 200
  • Set the camera to AV mode or A mode (Aperture priority). The camera will measure the exposure through the pinhole lens.
  • Set the camera to manual mode if aperture priority mode is not supported, choose 1 second exposure
  • Bracket exposure and make adjustments

f number:151 Exposure factor for f number 22: 47.1 x Including reciprocity failure Resulting Time for f/22

Ilford FP4 Plus 125
T-MAX 100
Superia 100
1/1000 1/30 1/1000 1/30 1/1000 1/30 1/1000 1/30
1/500 1/15 1/500 1/15 1/500 1/15 1/500 1/15
1/250 1/4 1/250 1/4 1/250 1/4 1/250 1/4
1/125 1/2 1/125 1/2 1/125 1/2 1/125 1/2
1/60 1 s 1/60 1 s 1/60 1 s 1/60 1 s
1/30 3 s 1/30 2 s 1/30 7 s 1/30 2 s
1/15 7 s 1/15 5 s 1/15 19 s 1/15 3 s
1/8 16 s 1/8 9 s 1/8 43 s 1/8 9 s
1/4 38 s 1/4 18 s 1/4 2 m 1/4 19 s
1/2 2 m 1/2 37 s 1/2 4 m 1/2 41 s
1 s 5 m 1 s 1 m 1 s 9 m 1 s 1 m
2 s 19 m 2 s 3 m 2 s 24 m 2 s 3 m
4 s 1 h 4 s 8 m 4 s 1 h 4 s 8 m
8 s 4 h 8 s 22 m 8 s 4 h 8 s 24 m
15 s 15 h 15 s 1 h 15 s 13 h 15 s 1 h
30 s 59 h 30 s 4 h 30 s 49 h 30 s 4 h
1 m 233 h 1 m 13 h 1 m 190 h 1 m 14 h
2 m 930 h 2 m 50 h 2 m 749 h 2 m 52 h
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