
Pinhole handheld – ICM (intentional camera movement)

Seeing a lot ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) shots in the net I got inspired to try it with the Skink Pinhole Pancake. To shoot ICM, you need is to slow down your camera to 1/10 seconds to 1 second. Then, while pressing the shutter, move your camera to produce an unsharp image intentionally. Depending on your skills and luck, you might get that painterly impressionist piece of fine art photograph. Using pinhole with ICM has the big advantage that you need not focus for image sharpness and you can easily work with slow exposure times by adjusting your ISO settings to a lower value. The following experimental pictures are just the beginning of more fun to come.


Kamera: Sony NEX, Olympus Pen and Pentax Q

Objektiv: Skink Pinhole Pancake

Exposure Times: 1/10 sec to 1 second

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