Skink Pinzone – the virtual pinhole aperture
While some pinhole photographers are preferring the purist approach to use physical pinhole apertures only, there are some digital camera users who like add a virtual pinhole to their camera arsenal. A virtual pinhole is a pinhole which has been exposed on high contrast film, just like a zone plate. Therefore let’s call it “pinzone”. Being a no-dust pinhole, the pinzone serves as a protective body-cap which seals off dust. Yet the digital camera user needs to be aware of the fact, that some dust might enter the camera body whenever the lens is changed. The area of a typical lens opening is about 28000 times the size of a pinhole. Regular cleaning of the camera sensor is a necessity of life for the digital photographer. The sizes used for the Skink Pinzones have been calculated according to Lord Rayleigh’s pinhole size formula.